William Lee's Photoblog
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I'll give you an offer you would never refuse.
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Just busting some bad dudes.
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Le Cat, in my car.
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Just getting creative with fish balls. lol
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#FilmMakersKL While doing our Latest Projects. Levels, Never Give Up. And a re-take of Supernatural Activity.
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This cloud somehow flashes my mind.
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Hmm edible fruits! Spectacular stuff in Mother Nature
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I miss the early morning when everyone was asleep. "except for Jordan" staring at the ocean and calculating the radius of the Earth. #LOL #PortDickson
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StarBucks Croissant + Americano
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When you and your significant friend lose a bet to the other friend. #damn
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Testing my macro lens, here's an attempt to capture my eye. :3
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A 9.MM bullet, from Sweden.
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I wonder if it's edible 😂😂😂 #homealone
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My first ever Design Work. My first time at illustrator, my first time making a magazine. Unforgettable experience.
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This here is Dave. #chicken #:(
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Ma silhouette ? XD
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One of the city scenery I enjoy every morning. Lol
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After 10 hours of sleep. Gotta rob some banks.
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Ji Foong's Glasses
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Argh the Traditional Shirt that I didn't bring to BM day. #Chinese #Traditional
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Fabulousness in action.
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Obama is happy. #Budget2014 HAHAHAHAHHAHA
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My fascinating watch. #Casio #GShock
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Beautiful piece of gaming gear. #Razer #Orbweaver
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Dear Entrepreneurs :3
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I am playing GTA 6 Beta. Be jealous.
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A few months back. Found this pic lying down in the Library. #AmIthrowingsomethingbacknow?
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Shoeshine shoeshine shoe Shine
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Perspective Matters #Sunday
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How to transit into the other dimension you asked?
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Perhaps the cast for Superman did B-Boy to act out most of the scenes with the camera and props upside down. #moviemagic
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Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what happens when you point your camera at a random cyclist in the park. #ohgodsophotogenic
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Found this online, apparently some amazing "One" drew me :DDD Enjoy this piece of art please.
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One of the finest Piece Of Art I've ever encountered. The real thing looks amazing.
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I'll be having fun mixing some boom boom beats :S
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My Thinking Expression :p
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Turn your phone sideways to admire the fabulous William in Women Sunglasses.
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Eating TGIFridays on Friday.
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@ashthehumangirl tagged me.. LIKE.
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My HomeMade burger with homemade patties. Looks bigger than McDonald's. xD
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Current Vemma partners that are above diamond in Malaysia. So few, a great time to join. #YPR #Vemma
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At #vemma HQ . Auditorium. #YPR
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Just my "artistic" way of taking a picture of my keyboard :)
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The Haze in Malaysia can't stop me from Being pumped up. #YPR #Vemma
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Agent. William. New YouTube video . "Project LoL" Coming soon
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Last years piano performance #2012 #speechday #concert
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Malaysia a good land wasted by our government. #ge13 #sad #blackout
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My version " face palm" xD
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