A second Giant Leap for Mankind? Mars One Offers one way trip.

 Ever dreamt of going to Mars, be a martian and stay there for you entire human life? You are in luck!

     A Dutch company plans to send people to Mars by 2023.The Project called " Mars One " is a non-profit organisation that will send you to Mars and live there forever. Yes , forever... Until the company decides to give you a return ticket. Do you think you have what it takes ?

I first read about Mars One back in June. The project is based on a concept of building a human colony on Mars and filming the entire process. Remember the Sci-fi Horror movie "Apollo 18" back in 2011?
I hope there is no dangerous life forms in the Red Planet, Imagine watching a long horror movie but only reality.
There are a few ambassadors from around the world, including Prof. Dr. Gerard 't Hooft, Paul Römer, Mary Roach, Gerard Blaauw, Prof.Dr.Ir.Boudewijn Ambrosius, and even Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor who is a doctor and astronaut of Malaysia.
Besides ambassadors, this project have even interested aerospace companies including SpaceXAstrobotic, and ILC Dover

This year, Mars one will hold a global lottery to select 40 people to train and prepare for Mars. They will be sent to live in a simulation for three months, which the number of people will be reduced down to 10. As Mars One said. By 2023, this group will be sent to mars to form the first permanent human colony. They will send four people in the first trip, then more astronauts every two years. Although this is a One-Way trip, The company stated that the possibility for a return visit to earth may open up. But not guaranteed.

For lots of people, this seems like a very bizarre idea and label it as impossible, although it might not seem possible but in my opinion, this thing could actually happen. So do you think you can survive and mantain a stable mental health living in a cold, barren red planet and have the skills?  Get noticed and expect to be included in the worldwide lottery this year! 
To be honest, I am kind of interested in this as I always wanted to be an Astronaut or a Scientist but the only problem is , I am 15 and I am gonna miss Earth. 

For more information, please visit their website Mars One